Confused about capstones? Every student at TCNJ is expected to participate in two capstone experiences, typically one in the junior and one in the senior year. At least one capstone must be LIT 499. For most students, both capstones will be LIT 499. A student who takes an alternate capstone experience must complete her/his LIT 499 as the first capstone.
LIT 499 Seminar in Research and Theory
In both fall and spring semesters, multiple sections are offered, each featuring one literary theory or more applied to a specific topic. For next semester’s topics, see the English Department website or PAWS. For juniors or seniors. To enroll in LIT 499, you must have completed LIT 101 (previously LIT 202) Cultures and Canons with a grade of C or better and LIT 102 (previously LIT 201) Approaches to Literature with a C or higher.
Honors Thesis Options
LIT 495/496/497 Honors Thesis (Departmental Honors). Under the guidance of a department faculty member, you will design, carry out, and present an independent project. This is the only route to receiving Departmental Honors, and requires a GPA of 3.5 (or permission of the associate chair) and a full proposal by the end of the semester before the thesis project begins. The Honors Thesis counts as two courses (one English elective and one capstone), and is typically completed over two semesters. The thesis must be written in the senior year.
The Honors thesis and Student Teaching:
Students in English Secondary Education who wish to write an Honors thesis are urged to consult their advisors early, and to consider a two unit Honors thesis written in the last semester of their senior year. Students in any dual 5 year major in the School of Education will not be able to fit an undergraduate Honors thesis into their 5 year programs. Students in 4 year programs who wish to write an Honors thesis are also urged to consult their advisors early. These students have only one path to the thesis: LIT 499 in semester 5; Clinical 1 in semester 6; Clinical 2 and a thesis proposal in semester 7; a two unit thesis in semester 8.
LIT 492 Seminar in Critical Theory
If you are looking for a broad background in literary theory, this might be a good choice. This class meets in the spring semester. Seats are very limited. You must have a GPA of 3.0 and permission of the associate chair. For more information, contact the associate chair. For juniors or seniors.